
复旦大学生命科学学院, 生物多样性与生态工程教育部重点实验室, 上海200433

通信作者:卢宝荣;E-mail: E-mail: brlu@fudan.edu.cn;Tel: 021-65643668

摘 要:

转基因生物技术的飞速发展和全球转基因植物的大规模种植, 引发了世界范围内的生物安全顾虑。大多数民众对生物技术、转基因产品以及生物安全的内容并不了解, 因此产生了对生物技术及产品盲目的怀疑、甚至不必要的恐慌。由于全球的粮食安全问题和环境日益恶化, 利用包括转基因生物技术在内的新技术来解决这些问题已成为世界的发展趋势, 转基因技术产品带来的利益也已成为强手如林国际市场激烈竞争的焦点。中国作为新兴的发展中国家, 不可坐失发展转基因生物技术, 并占有世界市场一席之地的良机。为了增加民众对转基因生物技术及其产品, 特别是对生物安全的了解, 本文介绍了生物安全的概念及涵盖的内容, 并以大量的背景知识和科学研究结果, 分析和讨论了转基因技术的发展为人类带来的利益和潜在影响。旨在让公众理性和科学地看待转基因技术及其相关生物安全问题。

关键词:生物安全; 遗传工程; 转基因; 环境影响; 公众认知

收稿:2013-05-02   修定:2013-05-20


Increase Public Understanding on Genetically Modified Organisms and Bio-safety Issues Based on Scientific Knowledge and Facts

LU Bao-Rong*
Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering, School of Life Sciences, Fudan Uni-versity, Shanghai 200433, China

Corresponding author: LU Bao-Rong; E-mail: E-mail: brlu@fudan.edu.cn; Tel: 021-65643668


The rapid development of transgenic biotechnology and significantly increased global cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops has aroused great concerns over the biosafety issues by public worldwide. Public has limited knowledge on biotechnology/transgenic products and biosafety in particular, resulted in sus-picion and unnecessary fear. Owning to the challenge of world food security and the deterioration of global en-vironment, it becomes unchangeable trends to apply new technologies, including biotechnology, to solve the problem of food security. In addition, the huge economic benefits brought by biotechnology products will also become one of the completive focal points for the countries with strong biotechnological capacity. As a member of the international community and an economic-emerging country, China cannot afford to lose the great oppor-tunities to develop the technology. To increase public understanding on biotechnology, GM plants, and biosafe-ty, this article introduced the concept and concerned areas particularly in biosafety, and discussed the benefits and potential impact associated with the technology, based on common knowledge and facts obtained from sci-entific research. The objective is to help public view biotechnology and biosafety in a more reasonable and sci-entific way.

Key words: biosafety; genetic engineering; transgene; environment impact; public awareness

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